Arm Pain
Arm pain is commonly due to referred pain from the neck or shoulder, but can also be caused by injuries to the elbow or wrist or the muscles in the arm itself.
Wrist Pain
Wrist pain may be caused by a fall or a strain due to a repetitive action, leading to muscular strains or restriction in joint movement in the wrist or hand. It may also be as a result of referred pain from a neck injury.
Mechanical Neck Pain
Mechanical neck pain is pain in the anatomic region of the neck for which it is impossible to identify a specific pathologic cause of pain. It can include neck pain and from time to time, pain in the upper limbs which may or may not interfere with the activities of daily living, or in some cases headaches.
Chiropractors treat mechanical neck pain using a package of care that may include manual therapies, exercise, therapeutic advice and postural advice.
Because of the diverse amount of causes and implications with regard to neck pain and potential damage that may have been done in a neck trauma, we perform a thorough history taking and full examination (which often involves chiropractic, orthopaedic, neurological and postural assessments and may even involve us taking X-rays of you) at the Milton Keynes Chiropractic Clinic. Your first appointment will take approximately 1 hour.